Friday, July 9, 2010

day NINE

Live what we know
Know what we Live
Acknowledge what we don't know
Be teachable

Balance! If we are not balanced when we stand... We fall.
If we are not balanced in our mind with our thoughts... we Fail?
If we are not balanced in our bodies than we...become Ill?

So, as I struggled this morning - knowing what to do in my mind... but my body not cooperating

It occurs to me "balance".....
Are my food choices contributing to the war inside me....

Freak YES, Oh my I just realized that on the 7th I ate pizza (carbs.... ) wine (sugars) and then pigged out on a bag of cookies (gingersnaps) saying to me self "I know I'm cranky about something.... whatever....I don't care".

Oh, my - like a drug addict I ate food that caused me to be unbalanced, I failed to put HEALTHY foods... I'm probably starving for vitamins, minerals, oxygen, water... proteins.... YES, WE ARE A PRODUCT of the choices we make. What we PUT IN OUR BODIES, MINDS, SPIRITS.

What came first? The thoughts..... well of course.... I didn't catch my self,
well actually I caught myself thinking the thoughts of "unhappiness" but then I made a CHOICE to give in and not give out unto the Lord with Speaking Words of FAITH, TRUTH...

So now here the past 48 hrs I have the seeds of unhappiness, guilt, failure that are haunting me. The WAR in Me.

waking up ..... putting on my BIG SMILE.... CONFESSING Scriptures... yet freakin laying in bed complaining about the dreary NO sunshine outside. Dear Lord, I'd die in Seattle! It's my choice to make excuses or STOP THAT
It's my choice to act in accordance with my Goals. BUT my choices are made from my thoughts....
my thoughts are IMPACTED FROM BODY (lack of nutrients, hormones, illness etc) BUT IT IS STILL MY CHOICE!

LOVE ME as Christ LOVES me.... I AM WORTHY! If I fail.... then "tap my forehead and say, I could of had a V-8" and get going!

Self discovery is such a wicked ride sometimes.

I need to PURCHASE my ticket today and jump on the train that takes me to my GOAL.

My Goal of "living life abundantly, full of Joy".... One day at a time until I meet my Savior.
One day at a time.... living my life to bring to OTHERS the gift that Christ has given me.

HOPE! FAITH! JOY! LOVE! PEACE! ...... The true Gift

Now, go do the right thing - Live by faith not by sight (feelings), eat LIFE giving FOODs, Choose thoughts that a rooted in God's Truth. Walk with GOD every step of the way.


PS : become acutely aware of the SIGNS ( sometimes symptoms of self defeat) take them seriously when they happen. DON"T ignore them... take them to the CROSS.

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