Saturday, May 22, 2010


Be so filled and satisfied with the Lord that you will not reach for food to satisfy

When you face disappointment reach for the Psalms, God's word NOT FOOD.

That's where I want to be.

But, not entirely there yet....

Still disconnected!

This I have to figure out... pray.... call a cop! Ya, have myself arrested (lol)


Thoughts about King David

The life of King David- a fascinating story and encouraging story

A shepard Chosen by God
Defeated a Giant and saved his people when he was a young boy!
Hated by King Saul who then tried to murder him, yet David obeyed God
David was Crowned King (wouldn't have happened if he didn't obey God)
Sinned against God while a King (committed adultery & murder)
Suffered loss's (his infant son died despite his fasting and prayers, son murdered by his other son)
Suffered heartache from his children (son abandoned him)

In his brokenness and heartache he sought God (read the Psalms)

He had to live with the consequences of his sin's.

His psalms speaks to everyone of us.

Although God had a Plan for Davids life, David sinned against God. Yet, He was reconciled to God but still had to live with the consequences of his sins.

I choose to serve God and walk with Him.
I can face any thing (Goliath type of problems) with the Lord besides me.
I must count the cost of my actions since I will surely face the consequences

1 Samuel 17


Luke 6:44-45

44For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.

45A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

The expression “today is the first day of the rest of my life” is an attitude for success. We can’t live today on yesterdays successes or failures. We need to embrace the morning with a renewed spirit.

Today I choose to renew my Spirit in the Lord. Taking his Word and making it come alive in my Spirit, Mind and BODY!

My Prayer today is I will be more thoughtful of what comes out of my mouth and reserve my mouth for speaking words of encouragement to those around me.

I use to tell my children that words have fragrances to those listening . Are you speaking words like Onion's or Flowers?

Is what's coming out of your mouth

Stinky or Sweet?

As the Scriptures say

"A tree is identified by the kind of fruit it produces"

Your words are a product of your heart.

Your heart is a product of your thoughts.

Keeping my mouth Shut until I put my thoughts

in check about what I’m saying and thinking.

I CHOOSE to have my words and thoughts

Acceptable and congruent to the Word of God.

Psalm 19:14

14Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Keeping my thoughts in check today – Speaking TO MYSELF words of encouragement and healing. My thoughts be FAITH Based!

Replacing THOUGHTS of fear with THOUGHTS of faith.

Replacing WORDS of fear with WORDS of faith

"I feel good, I feel Great, I feel Wonderful" (movie line)


He is my Rock my Sword my Shield, He's the wheel in the middle of the wheel. He's the Lily of the Valley the Bright and morning star. Make's no difference what you say, I'm gonna get on my knees and pray. I'm going to serve the Lord each day till Jesus comes.

I TRUST IN THE LORD and my words and thoughts reflect that belief


Only putting into my mouth that which brings live, encouragement, health and wellness to my BODY!

May my words be fruit (Life giving)

to those around me

and may I

eat fruit (foods, fruit of His Word)

that brings me LIFE!

Right now, I'm going to SPEAK words of encouragement to myself then start SINGING OUT LOUD (creates marvelous energy) and go EXERCISE!

I pray you Catch the energy!

Cause I'm thrown 7 kinds of .... today! (movie line!)

Salute! TO your Health and Wellness