Thursday, March 17, 2022

 Lessons to be learned.  “There is value to every situation we face, good or bad if… IF we choose to learn and grow from what we experience”.  For instance,  What I have  experience through a myriad of emotions these past few weeks is empowering. Well, that is my choice to use the word “empowering”.  The antonym is debilitating.  That’s not happening to me.  My Choice. I can’t control what happens around me. I can’t control that despite all efforts my body is aging and susceptible to disease and illness. BUT I can control my thoughts.  I can take the negative and embrace it, not fight it, not stuff it away, not ignore it but…. Re-Frame it. Hold it up to Scripture (very powerful). Exercise my Faith and Trust in God’s promises.  Yes, become empowered and at peace.  

Now believe me when I say it’s work.  It is about self awareness.  It is about keeping focus and not being caught off guard.  But when you hear something that feels like ….. well, I recall playing dodge ball and having the ball strike me in the stomach so hard that I lost my breath.  Something like that.  Like being hit in the stomach and losing my breath. And even as I struggled to catch my breath the reverberation seemed to cause me to be paralyzed to where the thought of even calling upon God - feeling so let down- was not there. Shocking experience.  TIME.   That’s all I can say is it does take time to recover. Not much different than loosing a spouse. The disbelief is extraordinary.  But in time, healing takes place and your able to move again. 

Well, I got a little off track. The point is take those sad, negative and sometimes frightening experiences and when the thought occur, as they will, Embrace the thought and then re-weave it into the tapestry of your life. What did you learn about yourself from the negative experience? What did you learn about life?

Don’t let the devil hijack your thoughts.  When the dark ugly fearful thoughts enter your mind, and they will, capture them!  See them for what they are…. A tool of taking you down. Counter those thoughts with: Scriptures.  For instance, when a fearful thought enters Speak “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World”  “For we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord”. 

Toxic thoughts seek to destroy us.  

Think on these things, whatsoever is true, lovely and of good report….. Yes, another scripture.

Lesson learned. Empower yourself by taking control of your thoughts.

