Wednesday, January 6, 2010

side note

I'm really pump up! As I opened my eye's this morning, I thought about the importance of centering my thoughts for the day before I get out of bed. Not mulling over all the task to do, but... well, just centering myself. I kind of felt like a freak as I laid there Smiling - yes, making myself just smile! Well, I blogged about it so I should DO IT. Then I just decided to repeat over and over again, Thank you Lord... nothing specifically came to mind to thank him for, just... saying "Thank you" feeding my soul with words of gratitude. Then again, practicing what I'm saying to do, I put on my Work Out clothes and started the Day. When I kept fiddling around (unconsciously avoiding my exercise bike) I then recognized and admitted I was avoiding it by keeping busy. I then, again practiced what I've said. Stood Still, Looked up and took a deep breath and Said to the Lord, "Unto thee oHHHHHH Lord!". Then I walked in to the room and ... again felt the lack of desire to get on the bike.... then said, "oh, I'll put on the TV and that will help me do this for at least 5 minutes". See, again what is that about when we avoid what we know we should do? As I wrote that, it occurred to me, "we are conditioned to only do that which brings us IMMEDIATE pleasure". A confirmation that taking care of our bodies properly is a "spiritual battle". Yet, I believe that if I persist to do what I know is right, Say what I know is right and Live what I know is right.....I will hunger after those things that are right because it'll just be a part of me to do so. oh, by the way.... as usual the 5 minutes turned in to 15 then I stretch for another 10! yawhooeeee

That's what I have to say about that!

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