Thursday, March 31, 2022


Who we are is comprised of our thoughts.  Recently I have been listening to a favorite author of mine. Dr Caroline Leaf, a NeuroScientist.  Her research is on our thoughts and the how they impact our life. Based in Science yet validated by the Word:  Philippians 4: 8-9.

This morning as an event unfolded I “felt” discouraged and sad. Attempting to regain my focus I thought about how “words” that trigger feelings and thoughts can just shut you down.   So, I choose to sit outside on this beautiful sunny day and in the heavy mist of sadness start praising God for his Goodness.  Within minutes the bird feeder I recently placed in to the yard had a little feathered friends come to visit.  I was beginning to become discouraged since putting up the bird feeder that the birds didn’t know it was there ! There they were, the bird feeder was coming to life.  

Like  a gift from heaven, with perfect timing in the breeze of praising God dispute my sadness a burst of peace flooded my being. My thoughts were directed to the birds and it changed my emotions.   

This prompted this analogy:

Some times our “thoughts” are negative - toxic. Thoughts are like yarn we are crocheting or knitting in the fabric of our life. Yes,  somewhat like when I am crocheting and the yarn becomes tangled. 

Yes, tangled yarn…. A unhealthy thought or reaction to words that trigger unconscious negative … feelings. But the Gift God has given us is “CHOICE”.  To take that tangled yarn and begin to unwind it… sometimes it needs patience and time to detangle, there are times we just need God to intervene and heal. But when it is untwisted and detangled it then can be “crocheted” into something beautiful and useful. 

What I am learning, by reading and listening to Dr Leaf, is that just “stuffing” our twisted up yard and not dealing with it can be toxic for our body and overall being.    (Dr Leaf talks explains our thoughts are Trees and her research validates how thoughts can change brain cells)

Our thoughts can be hijacked … yes,  Scripturally, we “wrestle against spiritual forces”.  Yes, it is something we must reckon with.  It is truth. Yes, we are body and mind… but how ignorant we are when we forget we are spiritual beings.  

Our “thoughts” are who we are, it is our spiritual being. 

So powerful are our thoughts.   The other day I wished I could have God just send me a transcript of my thoughts from the time I awoke until I lay my head on the pillow. Incredibly powerful if we had such an opportunity to review our thought life for the day.  How many thoughts were twisted yarn? Did I even recognize the twisted yarn being stuffed away in my brain?

Well,  you’ve now heard the rambling of someone who starts each day with one prayer. God help me to bring Glory to your name by my deeds, actions, words and ….thoughts!

Just Me Talking


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