Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 Day 20

Dear You,

This letter is being sent as if it is a package of seeds.  Seeds that I pray will be planted in your heart and with the Holy Spirit  blossom and bring forth good fruits.

What you just went through was painful, frightening to say the least. But you faced it with all the courage you could find in yourself. Yes, you called upon the Lord and beg, pleaded and bargained. But, you still knew it was up to you to not give in and not give up. It was up to you to have faith and hope in something bigger and more powerful then yourself. 

Did it change you? Did it humble you? Did it reset your priorities?  Did you learn anything?

When we walk through a storm, when we climb a mountain, when we pull ourselves up from a dark pit it can be life changing. But only if we learn from the experience. Only if we find ourselves. Only IF we discover that when we keep God in the center of our deepest, darkest most painful experience it then has great value. 

Yes, without God in the center of our thoughts and our conversations when we share our experiences with others….  Our life is really  empty, nothing but a shell.Because we make it all about “me”.  Life can be pitiful and unfulfilling when we serve ourselves and seek to glorify ourselves. And that is a futile and pathetic life. 

Did you know that God’s heart was broken the day that “Man fell”. Yes,  Man (Adam and Eve) choose to believe a lie that they too could be a God unto themselves.   Don’t we still do that today when we take God out of our thoughts, conversations and plans? We make it all about us.  

There is no challenge we face, no battle or storm that is wasted when we keep God at the center. When we come out victorious and God receives all the Glory.

For the scriptures say “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” “If I gain the world but lose my soul…:

I ask the question.  If what you went through doesn’t bring glory to God than it was for nothing”. If you make it all about you, your strength, your courage, your determination then what???  You should want to direct friends and family to the living God who has the ability to give hope, strength courage and faith to all who seek Him. 

Be HIS light by keeping God at the center of your thoughts and conversations.  That’s all I’m trying to say.

May He help you to grow… in Him.



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