Saturday, January 15, 2011

Simple thoughts for a Simple Mind

Keep it Simple:

Feed your Spirit BEFORE you feed your Body

Stay away from WHITE!  (Sugar and Flour)

Drink 8 glasses of Water every day

Have A physical to determine if there imbalances (VIT D level)

Believe that if you exercise (at least 15 minutes every day) you'll feel and look better: DO IT

Self Talk:
I CAN do this
I WANT to do this
I WILL do this

This is about changing your HABITS
It takes 21 days to form a new habit

NOW............................. another thought this morning (seeking to strengthen my Spiritual being)
Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Hatred, Resentment, Anxiety, Fear
All POISON  we Ingest  

Thought for today:  Bitterness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die

Today I DETERMINED that I will FEED my Spirit before I fed my body.  
The habitual practice of meeting with God at a specific daily time is Biblical.  
The key word here is
HABITUAL !   Like brushing your teeth every morning (hopefully).

This morning I read 

Matthew 5:44 (New King James Version)

44 But I say to you, love your enemies, 
bless those who curse you, 
do good to those who hate you, 
and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,

As I thought of those that have hurt me... those I wish ill towards (Yes, some people have tic'd me off)
I began to ask God to help me Forgive them as GOD has forgiven me.
Then I was drawn to the fact that I have hurt myself with decisions I have made in my life
I have been angry at myself for choices I have made that hurt others in my life
I have been kicking myself for not asking my Dad the day before he died a certain question.

I need to forgive myself 
I need to forgive others for doing to me what I have probably done to God
If he forgives me than I MUST forgive others (without them asking for forgiveness!)

Well,  as you can hear..... I attempting to Balance my life. 

Not just focusing on my body needing assistance in

growing old gracefully and with strength.... 

but looking inward into my Mind and Spirit for

also growing old gracefully and with strength.

Have a Great Day!   I believe I WILL

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