Saturday, January 9, 2010

Move it!

Note for today to encourage YOU and ME:

Lots of water "kissed" with a Lemon & pinch of Cayenne! (amazing energy you'll get from )
Don't walk - skip, jog! Even when walking across a room exaggerate the movements
Don't just stand - Stretch, lunge, squat

Here is an Article I found by Denise Austin:



One reason I’ve stayed in such good shape over the years is because, in addition to regular exercise sessions, I keep moving. When I’m brushing my teeth, I’ll do squats. While I’m waiting for my toast to pop up, I’ll squeeze in 30 push-ups, leaning on the kitchen counter. Your muscles don’t know whether you’re exercising in gym clothes or not—they just know you’re working them. I do this to tone up and boost circulation throughout the day. I call these quick moves fidget-cisers,
and I swear they keep me fit. Check out 12 of my favorites. Check out exercises you can do around the house–no gym clothes needed. By Denise Austin Posted December 23, 2009 from Woman's Day; January 5, 2010

At work???? then here ya go

Here are examples of how you can change your daily routine to burn more calories:

Typical day at the officeCalories burnedPicking up the paceCalories burned
Park by building, take elevator to your floor.15Park 5 blocks from office. Take stairs to your floor.80-120
Make phone calls for an hour at desk.15Take calls standing up and pacing. Put notepad on bookcase or filing cabinet to take notes without bending down.100-130
Seated 45-minute lunch.25Walk 30 minutes at lunch; sit and eat 15 minutes.100-130
Seated 1-hour meeting.151-hour walking meeting.150-200
Take elevator to ground floor. Walk to car. Drive home.15Take stairs out of the building, walk back to car.80-100

Source: Adapted from Move a Little, Lose a Lotby James Levine and Selene Yeage

Craving Chocolate?:

You may need: Healthy Foods that have it
Magnesium Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruit

Craving "Sweets?"

You may need: Healthy Foods that have it:
Chromium Grapes, Cheese, Broccoli
Carbon, Fresh Fruits
Phosphorus, Chicken, beef, poultry, fish, dairy, nuts, legumes, grains
Sulfur, Cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables
Tryptophan Cheese Liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach

I have discovered if I'm having a "need" something sweet feeling.

STOP, look up, take a deep breath and say.... "I don't N E E D it .... " Then SPEAK OUT any scripture verse: (Draw on the the LORD for Strength)
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones" Proverb 16:24

MEMORIZE the Word of God -
It'll bring health and Wellness to your Body, Soul and Spirit.

SALUTE! To your Health and Wellness

1 comment:

  1. I really like this! I'm going to start thinking more about moving while doing other things :) Funny how as a mother, I can sit and watch the kids play and jump around when that is what they want me to do is jump around and play and be active with them. By doing that I can kill two birds, so to speak :)
